The ‘Responsible Consumer Cells’ (RCCs) is a project that connects farmers and eaters. A coordinator facilitates this connection by collecting orders from urban people, sharing those with the farmers, and scheduling regular direct deliveries to the city. Eaters participate in meetings and take turns sharing organizational duties, thereby taking some of “responsibility” for the network. The RCCs started as a research project in the Family Agriculture Commercialization Laboratory (LACAF - UFSC).
A university-community initiative
"The product for the consumer arrives fresher, and at a fair price!"
Dulciane - Coordinator of the Responsible Consumer Cells
An Agroecological Project
The farmers who participate in the RCC are agroecological farmers, many are certified by the Ecovida Network of Agroecology.
400 consumers
Most consumers are from Florianópolis .
54 farming families
The farming families are distributed across 16 municipalities in Santa Catarina.
12 cells
Each cell includes a group of farmers who supply a group of eaters with deliveries into the city. To meet growing demand, new cells have been created in Florianópolis and the surrounding region.
7 groups of certified farmers
Farmers are certified by the Ecovida Agroecology Network.
7 tons of food per month
The RCC supplies about 7 tons of food per month.
Responsible Consumers Cells
in numbers
Consumers Cells by
Source: Family Agriculture Commercialization Laboratory (LACAF - UFSC). Link in section Editorial