Building connections
In the videos below, two farmers, a rural educator and a university professor, share their opinions on how agriculture can establish connections between people in the city and the countryside.
Needing to expand the dialogue
Erika is a Field Educator, trained at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, and a member of the Center for Studies and Promotion of Group Agriculture (CEPAGRO). She talks about how not all expressions of urban agriculture in the Brazilian context are the same. Some are more collective than others. Some are more focused on issues that are of concern to rural people than others.
Urban people visiting (urban and rural) farms
Chef and farmer, Sônia Jendiroba talks about creating ways for urban people to have more contact with food growing spaces. Sônia, who once had a restaurant in the central region of Florianópolis, today lives on her farm in the Ratones neighborhood, She participates in the Ecovida Network of Agroecology.
Urban people’s responsibility to the land ...
Aderlan is a farmer and sells his produce at the Organic Market of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In this video, Aderlan reflects on how urban people can help rural farmers by being more concerned about agricultural production practices.
Urban agriculture and food systems literacy
Professor Ilyas Siddique coordinates Applied Ecology Laboratory at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (LEAP-UFSC). He reflects on how urban agriculture plays a fundamental role in raising awareness and embodied knowledge about agricultural production.
The Center for Studies and Promotion of Group Agriculture is an agroecological organization that establishes connections between countryside, city and the academic community.