Historical Roots
Today there is an agroecological community garden in the Campeche Cultural Park (PACUCA) .The garden is located near prime tourism land near the coast in one the most desirable residential neighbourhoods in the city. But before the park was established, this location used to host an airstrip. Pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of the "Little Prince", landed there when traveling from Paris to Buenos Aires. This cultural and collective memory formed the Community Garden, as the flowerbeds were built to resemble an airplane. The garden's proposal is to serve everyone who wants to learn about agroecology and is also a space for socializing among residents of the Campeche neighborhood.
“The Community has been fighting
for this space for almost 40 years"
Bianca - Biologist and volunteer at PACUCA Garden
PACUCA Community Garden

Urban Gardens and the Countryside
On the Florianópolis City Hall website, the municipal urban agriculture program is described as a priority to promote dialogue between different sectors of the municipal government. Urbanurban composting of organic waste and urban food production are stated priorities for the municipal government. This is also a priority for groups such as the Semear Network. But many activities related to urban food production involve the countryside, including environmental educaiton and markets, and therefore it is important recognize the connections that agroecology makes between the City & Country (also see Urban People and the Countryside).